Tuesday, May 9 |
2:45 PM
Metascience’s geographical diversity – it’s a problem. Let’s talk about what we can do.

The Association for Interdisciplinary Metaresearch & Open Science recently endorsed a proposal to establish satellites, with a focus on global South research communities. At the heart of this proposal is an acknowledgement that if disruption, reform, collaboration and progressiveness define the metascience community, then we have an urgent need to ensure that who shapes our futures includes diverse voices. This is a wicked problem. However, as the metascience community continues to grow and mature we can work towards a future that actively rejects perpetuating historical norms. To do this requires strategy, energy, coordinated action and funding. In this session we’ll focus on one facet of a wider diversity and inclusion agenda: How can we establish and sustain wider geographical representation in the metascience community? What are the obstacles, where are the opportunities, and who are the ambassadors we should engage to begin these collaborations?